Thank you for your interest in Business
Business Ideas was an 8 page paid
monthly marketing business newsletter that
flourished some years ago, had subscribers
in over 40 countries around the world and
received great testimonials from people who
found it very useful.
Just to confirm that it was you who
requested this free 64 page summary The
Best of Business Ideas we
will send you an email to
the address you
give. Please confirm this and you will be able to
download the report immediately.
May I suggest that you print it off and
carry it in your briefcase so you can delve
into it any time you have a few minutes to
spare. You’ll be amazed at how reading even
just a few paragraphs here and there will
stimulate your thought processes and give
you ideas for your business.
Within the next few weeks we plan to
resurrect Business Ideas and it will
be our pleasure to send you the first few
issues completely free of charge and without
any obligation.